Interested in learning more about Opportunity+?
Complete the form below—Encoura is ready to empower you with the industry’s leading enrollment platform to achieve your institution’s goals.
Strategically increase your enrollment from new markets with Encoura’s latest data science–predictive models that weave seamlessly into your student search.
Encoura’s Opportunity+ identifies students who are up to 3x more likely to be interested in schools like yours, which gives your institution the chance to reach these students ahead of similar institutions.
Finding prospects in new markets using a traditional predictive model often means you must sacrifice something—either your number of students or confidence that they’ll be interested in your institution.
With Encoura’s Opportunity+, you can focus on students who have the most potential to be a part of your next class, all while:
Find your best new markets by applying a Travel Score or the Opportunity Score (or both simultaneously!) to your student search before finalizing your list–maximizing your budget.
Predicts if a student is likely to travel for school–either out of state or 200+ miles from home–allowing your institution to:
Predicts if a student is likely to be interested in a college or university similar to yours before the student actually inquires, allowing your institution to:
Encoura is ready to empower you with Opportunity+ to achieve your institution’s enrollment goals. Reach out to us today!