Give your prospective transfer students the confidence they need to apply to your institution with marketing that speaks to what they value most.
Unlike high school student lists, acquiring profiles of new prospective transfer students can be more complicated. However, the right digital marketing strategies can empower you to connect with students ready to continue their education, filling the top of your enrollment funnel.
Encoura Digital Solutions’ online ads–like this one featuring Albright College–can reach transfer students with empowering messaging and visuals that motivate them to take the first step to engage with your institution.
Deliver creative with messaging that helps your students imagine what life would be like at your institution–assuring them that your college is a place where students like them can thrive.
Highlight students of different backgrounds and interests to show–rather than just tell–transfer students that they would be comfortable and succeed at your institution, like LSUS did with Encoura Digital Solutions here.
Attract prospective transfer students and guide them through to the enrollment finish line by giving them confidence in their decision to make your institution home over others they’re considering. Highlight the aspects of your institution that separate you from your competition to maximize applications and yield.
Use transfer-specific marketing to speak directly to students’ top concerns. Remind them with engaging ads, like this one Encoura Digital Solutions launched for University of Missouri-St. Louis, that your institution is uniquely positioned to help them succeed.
Encoura Digital Solutions would love to connect with you to get started on your best transfer student engagement strategy. Reach out to us today!