Understand Students’ Desires With Prospective Student Brand Research™

Drive your communication strategy and influence your brand reputation with research that reveals prospective students’ perceptions and desired college experiences.

Provide Personalized Outreach to Each Student Throughout the Recruitment Process

The University of Arizona is using Prospective Student Brand Research™ to better understand students’ interests and challenges throughout the college search process. This individualized approach not only helps the UA team enliven recruiting and student experiences, but also allows UA to stand out from the competition by speaking directly to students’ desired college outcomes, career goals, desired professions, and more.

Enliven Your Brand & Communications

Learn Student Motivations & Perceptions

See how prospective students view your institution, including word associations with your brand—plus how those associations rank against your competition; gain additional insights on students’ desired professions, and more.

Optimize Marketing & Recruiting

Tailor your marketing and admissions messaging to students’ academic, career, and experiential expectations for their college educations.

Gain Insight on Peers and Competitors

See how your prospective students view your institution against selected peer groups; understand perceptions against cross-application institutions.

Visualize How Perspectives Are Changing Over Time

Learn how Student Mindsets, major interests, college application behaviors, and more are changing each year.

Understand Students’ College Plans

Get data on the types of colleges and numbers of colleges your prospective students plan on applying to, how likely they are to apply to your institution, their preferred course delivery styles, and more.

Your Prospective Student Brand Research Deliverables

Initial Frequency Report of Responses

Your team will receive an initial report for review that will include report findings ahead of their delivery in the Encoura Platform.

Access to Results in the Encoura Platform

See your results in the Encoura Platform, plus plan important prospective student engagement using segmentations such as gender, GPA, and major interest.

Strategic Discussion With an Expert Advisor

An expert from our research team will highlight key findings and recommendations for you and your enrollment management team to make the most out of your data.

Mindsets Dashboard

Compare and contrast how your students’ Mindsets measure up to students across the nation. Leverage this dashboard to strengthen your communications and distinguish your institution by speaking to what matters most to your students.

Word Association Dashboard

Learn the key words that students most associate with your institution compared to others. Leverage this dashboard to solidify or adapt your messaging according to what perceptions students currently have about your school.

Peer Group Comparison Dashboard

Visualize how your institution compares to any number of peer groups. See how students perceive your institution versus these groups in areas like academic strength, social environment, affordability, friendliness, and innovation to develop competitive recruiting and marketing strategies.

Tap into Prospective Student Research Word Associations to shape your brand, marketing, and recruiting according to how students view your institution versus your selected competitors.


Eduventures Research will design, host, and deliver an online survey of prospective students to a national sample. We strongly recommend that you provide a list of your prospective students to get the most value out of this study, including targeting new markets, obtaining data on out-of-state inquiries, and ensuring an adequate sample size for your institution’s results.


Date Details
Aug. 21, 2024 First deadline to submit all student lists to Eduventures
Nov. 1, 2024 (phase 2) Submit any additional inquiry names to Eduventures (to add to sample)
Nov. 1, 2024 Final deadline to submit all student lists to Eduventures
Dec. 2024 Round 1 access to results in the Encoura Platform
Feb. 2025 (phase 2) Access to results in the Encoura Platform (phase 2 & round 2 results only)

Refine Your Marketing Strategies With Prospective Student Mindsets™

Our Prospective Student Mindsets, derived from Eduventures’ Prospective Student Brand Research, help institutions better understand the motivations and perceptions of their prospective students, plus how to reach them as their behaviors continue to change over time, to strengthen and personalize their recruitment.
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Participate in Prospective Student Brand Research

Encoura is ready to empower you with forward-thinking and actionable research to achieve your institution’s goals. Reach out to us today!