New taxonomy and updated market map show a dynamic sector that continues to mature, converge and evolve.
Boston, MA – April 23, 2018
The National Research Center for College and University Admissions™ (NRCCUA®), an educational data science and research organization, today announces the publication of the Eduventures 2018 Higher Education Technology Landscape Report. Eduventures® Research, NRCCUA’s research division, began publishing the landscape to make the market more understandable and help higher education leaders evaluate the expanding array of standalone and bundled offerings. Available today, this report is part of an ongoing body of research that includes updated market data and trends for specific segments of the technology market.
Since the inception of this report in 2014, classifying technology solutions has proven to be both challenging and dynamic. Various solutions have overlapping functionalities, and there are conflicting marketing messages around the benefits solutions provide. For the 2018 market map, Eduventures has updated the methodology and analysis used in the report and refreshed the technology landscape as it matures, converges, and changes.
Highlights of this report is as follows:
- Eduventures has sharpened the methodology and inclusion criteria into four categories that align with our definition of the student life-cycle: Enrollment Management, Student Success & Instruction, and Advancement. The fourth involves those solutions that underpin the entire learner lifecycle and support the creation of institutional educational intelligence – College-Wide IT/Enterprise Backbone.
- Our work on the education technology landscape has also revealed five segments under pressure from changing institutional needs or internal competition. These highlighted segments include Learning Management Systems, Competency-Based Platforms and Advisory Services, Learning Analytics, Systems Integration Solutions, and Financial Aid Processing Solutions.
According to James Wiley, Principal Analyst at Eduventures, “Technology solutions have the unique potential to help institutions overcome the challenges associated with recruiting and educating a large and diverse group of students. There are so many demands on higher education to improve teaching and learning. From instructional models to accessibility to engagement needs, as well as rapid changes in technology, such as cloud services and online delivery, higher education leaders need to ensure that their technology choices help them meet these demands. Our goal is to provide a framework that helps both institutions and vendors understand the role technology plays throughout the student lifecycle.”
- Wiley added, “The characteristics of the higher education technology market make it an attractive one for vendors seeking to grow revenue by increasing their footprint within the institution. However, as institutions are becoming more skilled at identifying the degree to which technology solutions align with their unique needs, they will select products that can deliver value.”