A Message from Our CEO

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We know our Wake-Up Call readers, and individuals and organizations worldwide, have been monitoring developments on COVID-19. We continue to rely on information provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to better serve our students and institutions in times of need.

We understand the incredible challenges this situation is causing everyone, especially your students. We are sensitive to the difficult and complex decisions facing higher education institutions in the weeks and months to come.

In light of this, we have decided not to publish a traditional Wake-Up Call post this week. Instead, we offer a short message of support to our readers during this difficult time.

We know our Wake-Up Call readers, and individuals and organizations worldwide, have been monitoring developments on COVID-19. We continue to monitor information provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to better serve our students and institutions in times of need.

We understand the incredible challenges this situation is causing everyone, especially your students. We are sensitive to the difficult and complex decisions facing higher education institutions in the weeks and months to come. 

COVID-19 is blowing higher education into uncharted territory. The stability of the classroom and campus for students is suddenly not available. No one knows if the disruption will prove short-lived or long-lasting. Amid the unknowns, the Eduventures team is thinking through how best to turn our core competencies of data science, analysis, research, and advice into support for our students and member institutions.  

As some of our member institutions face near-term pressures, ensuring the safety of every student, faculty, and staff member is the number one priority. If the situation lengthens and worsens, the implications for the very core of higher education – mission, identity, recruitment, instruction, learning, student success, and well-being – must start to be imagined, shaped, planned, and implemented. Our goal is to steer a course between alarm and complacency, continuity and change, and to continue to provide – through our survey research, custom studies, and advisory services – you and all our partners with pertinent data, sound analysis, and tailored advice.

This week, given the unprecedented situation, we have decided not to publish a traditional Wake-Up Call post. We are committed to being a trusted resource for all of our clients and maintaining open channels of communication as events unfold. Please do not hesitate to call us if you require any support. Our team is here for you.

Patrick Vogt

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