Drawing on Eduventures’ 20-plus years of experience helping universities develop, launch, and assess academic programs, the Program Spotlight Series of Wake-Up Calls calls attention to best practices in program development.
In today’s market, when many schools are struggling to grow enrollment, the search for new academic programs is highly competitive. Your institution may have identified some great new program opportunities through robust market research and thorough discussions about institutional priorities. Yet it is almost certain your competitors are coming to similar conclusions about where the best opportunities lie. The chart below uses three specialized master’s programs—Homeland Security, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, and Occupational Therapy—to illustrate the problem. Between 2010 and 2016, at least twenty additional institutions awarded master’s degrees in Homeland Security. The number of providers quintupled, but average conferrals halved. What looked like a decent opportunity a few years ago seems less attractive today. By contrast, master’s providers in Logistics and Supply Chain Management doubled over the same period, but degrees per provider were flat. Those entering the Occupational Therapy market have fared better: a small increase in providers coincided with a one-third increase in average degree completions.
In today’s market, when many schools are struggling to grow enrollment, the search for new academic programs is highly competitive. Your institution may have identified some great new program opportunities through robust market research and thorough discussions about institutional priorities. Yet it is almost certain your competitors are coming to similar conclusions about where the best opportunities lie. The chart below uses three specialized master’s programs—Homeland Security, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, and Occupational Therapy—to illustrate the problem. Between 2010 and 2016, at least twenty additional institutions awarded master’s degrees in Homeland Security. The number of providers quintupled, but average conferrals halved. What looked like a decent opportunity a few years ago seems less attractive today. By contrast, master’s providers in Logistics and Supply Chain Management doubled over the same period, but degrees per provider were flat. Those entering the Occupational Therapy market have fared better: a small increase in providers coincided with a one-third increase in average degree completions.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics.
Ultimately, a tight market means that many schools will get to the same green light for program launch. The market might be there, but who will gain the most market share once they get off the line? Of course, in any market, some schools are doing better than others, highlighting the importance of program differentiation and promotion. It’s a race, to be sure, but one that should have the speed and strategy of a 5K as opposed to the blistering pace of a hundred meters or the endurance of a marathon. The difference between capturing sufficient market share to make your program successful and missing the opportunity has a lot to do with how intelligently you navigate your program launch. Move too quickly at the start, and you won’t truly be prepared for success. Linger too long, and your competitors will get there first.Due Diligence Done Well
So you think you’ve found your market opportunity. You can never be one hundred percent confident, but you make sure your due diligence has ticked all of these boxes:- There is evidence of student and employer demand.
- You understand the contours of a curriculum that will fulfill student and employer needs.
- You have concrete examples of how you can compete in the market.
- Your institution has the capacity to deliver the program (e.g., faculty in place, technology, practicum placements).
- The program is mission and brand aligned.
- Faculty and administration are in agreement about the program opportunity.
Managing a Successful Program Launch
Eduventures believes that the most critical piece of a successful program launch, beyond the product itself, is engagement of the right people in the right processes. We recommend following these five tenets of successful program launch.Bring Together the Right Launch Team
In general, three types of people must come together to successfully launch a program:- Deans, program directors, and key faculty must develop a deep understanding of the curriculum and purpose of the program.
- Enrollment, admissions, and recruitment professionals must know how to create the right kind of outreach.
- Communications and marketing professionals must translate academic understanding of the program to market-meaningful messages, using the right communications channels.